





      除了宝宝自身的个人差异外,家长在给宝宝提供香蕉时,也要注意到孩子摄取香蕉的方式。一般而言,如果孩子每天只吃香蕉,那么宝宝大便变黑的时间会比较早;而如果宝宝的饮食比较多样, large, then the time of babys stool turning black may be a little longer.

      Besides the individual differences of the baby himself, parents should also pay attention to the way the child takes bananas when providing it for the baby. Generally speaking, if the child only eats bananas every day, then the babys stool will turn black earlier; if the babys diet is more diversified and relatively balanced, then the time of the babys stool turning black may be slightly later.

      In general, if the babys feces are dark colored and do not cause any discomfort to the baby, parents do not need to panic. Parents should adjust their diet and add other foods while paying attention to their babies reactions. If the baby has obvious discomfort and the color of the stools is abnormal, parents should consult a professional doctor promptly.

      To sum up, babies who eat bananas as supplementary food are common. Parents should pay attention to the changes in their babies stools after eating bananas, and adjust their diet accordingly. In addition, if the baby has obvious discomfort and the color of the stools is abnormal, parents should consult a professional doctor promptly.
